If it has been a while since you you've visited the City of Catoosa website, you should see it now! The City recently updated the website and it's live at https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue framed rectangular image that features a large monitor with a picture from the city website, and a tablet with a similar image on its screen. Text on the graphic reads "New city website!"
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439 The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue framed rectangular image featuring a line art of a city building and text below it that reads "City council meeting tonight 6:00pm at City Hall"
Happy Earth Day! Do you know that Americans purchase about 50 billion water bottles per year, averaging about 13 bottles per month for every person in the U.S.? By using reusable water bottles, you could save an average of 156 plastic bottles annually.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A graphic with a blue frame around the outside, an earth in the middle surrounded by green leaves, with text below reading Earth Day April 22, 2024, #EndPlasticPollution and a city of Coweta logo.
Sign up for Catoosa Alerts! In the event of an emergency or severe weather, an alert will be sent to the phone number provided by voice, text, email and/or pager. Sign up today: https://entry.inspironlogistics.com/catoosa_ok/wens.cfm
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A graphic that shows an open laptop, featuring a city web form, with text on the other side that reads "Sign up for Catoosa Alerts!""
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2j16q PWA https://5il.co/2j13w CIA https://5il.co/2j144 CEDA https://5il.co/2j145
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
Special City Council Meeting Agenda April 11, 2024, https://5il.co/2i7q1
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439 The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
Retangular graphic with a blue frame and a city government building with text that says City Council Meeting Tonight, 6:00 pm at City Hall
Today is the Rogers County Household Hazardous Waste Collection event located Northwest of 800 West Lowry Road 9AM - 2PM. For questions, please call 918-341-0457 extension 285.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A Rogers County flyer that is brightly colored with neon greens and reds, explaining the details about the household hazardous waste collection event they are hosting on April 6th, 2024.
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2hz9g PWA https://5il.co/2hz9h CIA https://5il.co/2hz9i CEDA https://5il.co/2hz9k
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
The Rogers County Trash Off is happening today. Please take note of what they CANNOT accept. Their hazardous waste collection event is tomorrow at 9AM - 2PM.
11 months ago, City of Catoosa
A Rogers County Trash Off Event Flyer for Thursday April 4, Friday April 5, and Saturday April 6th 2024. A plain flyer with a lot of text describing the event details.
Find out how you can adopt a pet from our local City of Catoosa Animal Shelter, help keep stray populations low, and give an animal a fur-ever family! Find their hours and contact information on the new city website: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/page/animal-control
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
Dogs and Cats sitting on top of a rectangular graphic with text that says City of Catoosa Animal Control
Unexpected City Water Outage-4/2/2024-Working on Restoration Attention Catoosa Water Customers The City of Catoosa Public Works Department is working on an emergency water outage Tuesday, April 2nd beginning immediately. There will be water outages!
12 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Make your voices heard tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2nd, as voting begins for a new Catoosa Public Schools School Board Member Number 4.
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue framed rectangular graphic with an american flag check mark and text below that reads "Make your voice heard by voting Tuesday, April 2nd" and the city's logo below.
"Hoppy" Easter, everyone! We hope your Easter baskets are full of joy and your day is too.
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A rectangular image framed in a blue border with text that reads "Hoppy Easter, Catoosa" and a line art smiling bunny below it.
City offices will be closed on March 29th, in observance of Good Friday.
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A square image that is bordered in a blue frame, with a line art sign that says "closed" and text under it that says "city offices will be closed"
The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be working on a valve replacement at the master meter at 401 S. Oklahoma, Tuesday, April 2nd at 8:00 a.m. There will be water outages for all residents and businesses that are located off Elm Street and Oklahoma. Customers can expect outages and low water pressure so please be prepared!! The Public Works department will work diligently to have water restored as soon as possible. Please share with any neighbors and friends that do not have social media.
12 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Water Outage 04/02/24
Don't forget! You can join the Catoosa Chamber of Commerce at their new location at 1801 N. Hwy 66, Catoosa, OK 74015.
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A simple graphic with a blue line around the edge, a thumbtack through the top of a sticky note that reads "Reminder!" in green, and the city logo in the bottom right corner.
Rogers County is holding Trash Off and Household Hazardous Waste Collection events on April 4-6, 2024 for residents of cities in Rogers County. Take advantage of these free opportunities to take care of those hard-to-dispose-of items!
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A plain flyer with a lot of information relating to a Trash Off event happening in Rogers County for their residents on April 4, 5, and 6 of 2024.
A bright flyer with a lot of information relating to a household hazardous waste collection event happening in Rogers County for their residents on April 6th 2024.
*****REMINDER***** The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be working with the school contractors to tie-in to the water line for the new school, Wednesday, March 27th at 8:30 a.m. The targeted area is expected to affect all residents and businesses that are located off Elm Street and Elwood Street. There will be water outages! Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared. Please share with any neighbors and friends that do not have social media.
12 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Water Outage 03/27/24
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://cityofcatoosa.org/AgendaCenter The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
12 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue framed rectangular image with a line art of a government building and the text "City Coucil Meeting Tonight, 6pm at City hall"