City offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

We are excited to invite everyone to the opening of the City Splash Pads at Curtis Conley Memorial Park and the Rolling Hills Splash Pad on 05/24/2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Catoosa Police Department, Catoosa Professional Fire Fighters Local-4798, and the Rolling Hills Fire Protection District #1 unions are joining with the city to kick off the summer for our kids by cooking hot dogs for everyone. We can't wait to see you there! As always please share...share...share...

City Council Meeting TUESDAY, 6 p.m.
City Council https://5il.co/2mikt
PWA https://5il.co/2mikw
CIA https://5il.co/2mikx
CEDA https://5il.co/2miky

This week is Public Workers and Emergency Medical Services week, and we would like to say thank you to every public and emergency worker that helps keep Catoosa safe, healthy, and well. From our very own police and fire departments, to the social workers, emergency medical providers, and beyond. Thank you for everything you do.

The Catoosa Boots and Badges Blood Drive on May 22, 2024 needs your help!!
OBI needs your help! The Catoosa Boots and Badges Blood Drive only has 9 appointments for tomorrow and we REALLY NEED to see 47 donors. Summer is very challenging to maintain a strong blood supply and with the multitude of recent weather events, blood donations are being significantly impacted.
Summers can be tough for blood banks. Many of our regular donors are off enjoying well-earned vacations, school breaks and summer festivities. But while they’re soaking up the sun, the need for blood doesn’t take a holiday. Every two seconds, someone needs blood — and the supply must be constantly renewed. Timely donations are critical during the summer months, especially around holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day. Thank you for helping those in our communities that need it the most!

The City will be mowing and cleaning Dick Duck Cemetery on Friday, June 7th. If you placed anything on the graves for Memorial Day that you would like to keep, please pick it up BEFORE THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH. The City of Catoosa allows flowers and other objects to stay on the graves for 10 days following the holiday. Thank you for helping us to take care of the cemetery.

The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439
The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

City Council Meeting Monday, 6 P.M.
City Council https://5il.co/2lcmx
PWA https://5il.co/2lcn1
CIA https://5il.co/2lcn2
CEDA https://5il.co/2lcn3

Due to all the weather the road closure on Pine Street will take a couple more days to complete. Thank you for all your patience and understanding.

Special City Council Meeting Wednesday, May 8th 6:00 p.m.

The Regular Scheduled Catoosa Board of Adjustment Meeting for Monday, May 6, 2024, has been cancelled.
Posted on May 6, 2024, at 4:15 p.m. on the bulletin board located on the North side of the City of Catoosa City Hall Building, 214 S Cherokee, Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015 by Vicky Sutton, City Clerk.

The Regular Scheduled Catoosa Planning Commission Meeting for Monday, May 6, 2024, has been cancelled.
Posted on May 6, 2024, at 4:15 p.m. on the bulletin board located on the North side of the City of Catoosa City Hall Building, 214 S Cherokee, Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015 by Vicky Sutton, City Clerk.

Vendor spaces for LibertyFest 2024 are now officially OPEN!!! We have openings for arts & crafts, exhibit and information booths. This year's event features an incredible concert series on Friday and Saturday nights, a four-day carnival, and fireworks show. LibertyFest begins on Thursday, June 27th, and runs through Sunday, June 30th at Rogers Point Park. This is a good opportunity for a fundraising event for your group or organization! Contact Vicky Sutton at City Hall 918-266-2505 x-206 or email vsutton@cityofcatoosa.org to request a welcome packet.

The City of Catoosa is thrilled to host the 33rd annual Independence Day Celebration, also known as LibertyFest. This year's event features an incredible concert series on Friday and Saturday nights, a four-day carnival, and fireworks show. LibertyFest begins on Thursday, June 27th, and runs through Sunday, June 30th. The fireworks show will take place on Saturday, June 29th at dark at Rogers Point Park on Historic Route 66.
We sincerely hope you will consider sponsoring our event this year to help make LibertyFest 2024 more spectacular than ever. We could not do this amazing event for the citizens of our GREAT city without the generosity of our sponsors.
We are excited to announce that we will be offering free exhibit/retail vendor booth opportunities again this year. Please visit the City’s website, our Facebook page, and download the City’s new mobile app for more information.

We are thankful everyday for our Catoosa Fire Department. Join us in thanking them for everything they do to help keep our community safe! #FirefighterAppreciationDay

***** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT***** The City of Catoosa Public Works Department is working on an emergency water leak. There will be water outages! The targeted area is expected to affect the area of Elm Street, Oklahoma, Gravitt, Muskogee, Avant, and Delaware. It shouldn't affect anyone on Cherokee St. Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared. Thank you!

We thank teachers everywhere today, especially those in Catoosa Public Schools, for teaching our kids and encouraging the growth of young minds.Thank you for being a teacher! #TeacherAppreciationDay

New Catoosa residents, you can find many answers to your questions about the city, such as how to begin water service to your new address, trash providers, and more at our city page dedicated to helping our newest citizens. Find your answers here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/o/catoosacity/page/new-residents

Pine Street will be closed to through traffic between 193rd and Lynn Lane for a bridge replacement from April 29th to May 7th.

We want you to stay in-the-know with what's happening in
City of Catoosa! Download our app to stay informed.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3tAlziB
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3SdaDkB