Don't forget to vote tomorrow, August 27th. Make your voice heard in the Oklahoma primaries.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
A green gradient over an american flag with text that says Voting Reminder and the City of Catoosa logo.
The City of Catoosa is currently hiring an IT Director! The City of Catoosa is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
IT 1
IT 2
City Council Meeting Monday, 6 pm. City PWA CIA CEDA
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Protecting our stormwater is everyone's responsibility. Anything that enters a storm sewer system is discharged into the bodies of water we use for swimming, fishing, and/or providing drinking water. The City of Catoosa would like to remind everyone about some simple steps they can take to help ensure the health of our community's stormwater: -Don't blow grass clippings or debris into the street to go down the storm drains. -Dispose of spent fertilizer containers correctly, and never pour pesticides into a street gutter or storm drain. -Use a pan to catch any vehicle leaks to prevent them from going down the storm drain. Find more ways you can help keep our drainage system healthy and functioning in this brochure:
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
An environmental awareness poster with the message "HELP KEEP OUR WATER SAFE AND CLEAN" in capital letters, superimposed on a background showing clean water and leaves, with the logo of Catoosa at the bottom right corner indicating their initiative.
The City of Catoosa Public Works Department is working on an emergency water leak repair Wednesday, August 21st in the area of Rollins and Hwy 167. There will be water outages! Customers can expect water outages and low water pressure so please be prepared. The Public Works department will work diligently to have water restored as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
7 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Water Outage 08/21/24
Special City Council Meeting Agenda August 24, 2024.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
CATOOSA CITY HALL WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY, AUGUST 15TH FROM 9:00 AM-9:30 AM FOR EMPLOYEE MEETINGS. Utility and Court payments can be placed in the drop box on the North side of the building or made on-line at In case of emergency please call 918-266-0806
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
CH Selfie Day Closure 08-15-24
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Announcement for a City Council meeting tonight at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, with the logo of CATOOSA featuring the tagline "Pride. Progress. Promise."
City Council Meeting Monday, 6 p.m. City Council PWA CIA CEDA
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
School starts back up on August 12 and we'd like to remind everyone to be patient and safe as traffic and children resume their regular school schedules. -Beware of children walking along sidewalks or crossing streets. -Allow yourself extra time to get to work while traffic adjusts. -Be kind to others while everyone gets back into the swing of school.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Graphic announcing school start date with text "SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 12!" over a background of vertical books and the logo of CATOOSA at the bottom right corner, including their motto "Pride. Progress. Promise."
Never miss an update with the City of Catoosa app in your pocket! The event section shows a list of events throughout our community. Get updates directly to your mobile phone via push notifications. In the Live Feed is where you’ll find updates from our city about what’s going on right now. Find relevant staff and department contacts under an easy-to-navigate directory. Find it on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and download it today!
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Promotional graphic for a mobile application titled 'City of Catoosa,' featuring two smartphones displaying app interface with sections for news, events, documents, staff, and alerts against a green background. Text reads "It's everything City of Catoosa, in your pocket." QR code on the left side.
The City of Catoosa is excited to announce the Grand Opening of the Hamby-Lynch Public Safety Complex. A Ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place Saturday, August 24th at 10:30 a.m., followed by facility tours from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. We are so grateful that our citizens supported our proposition to build a new public safety complex that benefits our community. We hope you will make plans to join us as we celebrate this remarkable milestone.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
/Hamby-Lynch Grand Opening/
Oklahoma's Tax Free weekend starts tomorrow! On August 2-4 you may purchase clothing items, including shoes, without paying sales tax. We encourage you to shop local whenever you can to help build community growth and stability. There are some exceptions to tax free weekend. Learn more from the Oklahoma Tax Commission:
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
Promotional graphic for Oklahoma's Tax-Free Weekend event, August 2-4, 2024. Text details exemption from sales tax on clothing and footwear under $100. Catoosa community logo on lower left. Background features blurred clothing racks.
Don't forget to vote August 27th. Make your voice heard in the Oklahoma primaries.
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
American flag in the background with overlay text "VOTING REMINDER" and the logo of Catoosa at the bottom accompanied by their slogan "Pride. Progress. Promise."
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
Alt text: "Announcement for a City Council Meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, with the Catoosa logo and motto 'Pride, Progress, Promise' below an illustration of a government building."
PSO tree contractors will be on or near your property in the coming weeks. They will be inspecting lines and addressing vegetation growing under the lines on the poles. Tree trimming will be conducted at a later date. This is part of PSO's ongoing work to minimize the chance of outages during the four-year tree and vegetation maintenance cycles. Please contact PSO for Street info at 1-877-367-6815 if you'd like to consult with a representative or would like a detailed work plan for your property.
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Council Meeting Monday, 6 p.m. City Council PWA CIA CEDA
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
Summertime in Oklahoma is no joke when you add humidity high temperatures. These tips from the American Red Cross are an important reminder for us all to take it easy and to watch out for ourselves and our neighbors, friends, and family members. Learn more at
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
An infographic listing extreme heat safety tips from Catoosa including avoiding sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic drinks, drinking enough water, staying indoors, limiting outdoor activities to morning or evening, and wearing light-colored, lightweight clothing alongside a graphic of a sun.
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
8 months ago, City of Catoosa
Alt text: "Announcement for a City Council Meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, with the Catoosa logo and motto 'Pride, Progress, Promise' below an illustration of a government building."
City Council Meeting Monday, 6 p.m. City Council PWA CIA CEDA
8 months ago, City of Catoosa