The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439
The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

City offices will be closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. Our regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th.

Thank you to our veterans for helping to make our city and our country safe for us all. Happy Veterans Day.

City Hall will be closed Monday, November 11, 2024 for Veterans Day. We would like to thank all of our employees, friends, and families for their sacrifices, dedication, and commitment to our GREAT Nation.

City Council Meeting TUESDAY 6 pm.
City https://5il.co/30t9r
PWA https://5il.co/30ta3
CIA https://5il.co/30tab
CEDA https://5il.co/30taj

The City of Catoosa would like to encourage everyone to go out and vote today.

Don't forget to adjust your clocks back one hour today! Daylight savings time officially ended at 2 am.

November is National Military Family Month and we would like to take today to thank all our service members and their families for their sacrifices, dedication, and commitment to our country. Thank you! #NationalMilitaryFamilyMonth

The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439
The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

October 27th is recognized in the United States as National Navy Day. The City of Catoosa would like to thank all of our naval community members and their families for their service and dedication. Thank you.

City Council Meeting Monday 6 P.M.
City https://5il.co/2zs56
PWA https://5il.co/2zs5g
CIA https://5il.co/2zs5j
CEDA https://5il.co/2zs5s

This Halloween, make sure you practice safety while walking around!
-If no sidewalk is available, walk close to the curb facing traffic and always obey traffic signs and signals.
-Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways and avoid walking between parked cars.
-Children should travel only in familiar, well-lit areas and stay with the group.
-Young children should be accompanied by fully aware adults.

Some of the top causes of fire include smoking, electrical problems, and candles. To minimize risks and keep everyone safe, follow these #FirePrevention Tips:
-Institute a “no smoking” policy in the house.
-Check all cords and replace any that are frayed or have bare wires.
-Switch to flameless candles.
-Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach.
Learn more tips about fire safety and prevention at the National Safety Council's website: https://www.nsc.org/community-safety/safety-topics/emergency-preparedness/fire-safety

We have a lot for you to enjoy in Catoosa this weekend! Be sure to stop by one or all of these events:
October 18th & 19th - Route 66 Flywheelers
October 19th - D.W. Correll Museum Rock Swap & Open House
October 19th - Burn Out on 66

The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2024/562439
The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

Know how to use a fire extinguisher, in case of small house fires.
Remember the acronym PASS:
-Pull the pin.
-Aim low at the base of the fire.
-Squeeze the handle slowly.
-Sweep the nozzle side to side.
Always put your safety first; if you are not confident in your ability to use a fire extinguisher, get out and call 9-1-1. #FirePrevention

Edelbrock Sick 66 will be making a 1300-mile journey through the heartland of America on the “Mother Road”. Come say hello to the awesome cars passing through Catoosa mid-afternoon Saturday, October 12th as our beloved Blue Whale is one of the 50 planned checkpoints.

City Council Meeting Tuesday, 6 pm.
City https://5il.co/2yqt0
PWA https://5il.co/2yqt5
CIA https://5il.co/2yqt8
CEDA https://5il.co/2yqt9

City Hall will be closed Monday, October 14th for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Utility and Court payments can be placed in the drop box on the North side of the building or you can make your payments on-line at www.cityofcatoosa.org

If you haven't seen the August Recap of the Catoosa Compass newsletter, we covered some recent progress around the City, expected changes, and more. Find it here: https://conta.cc/4e2o0wn September's recap will be on the way soon!
If you aren't already subscribed, sign up for our monthly updates on our website: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/page/catoosa-compass