*****REMINDER***** The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be working with the school contractors to tie-in to the water line for the new school, Wednesday, March 27th at 8:30 a.m. The targeted area is expected to affect all residents and businesses that are located off Elm Street and Elwood Street. There will be water outages! Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared. Please share with any neighbors and friends that do not have social media.
5 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Water Outage 03/27/24
The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://cityofcatoosa.org/AgendaCenter The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.
5 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue framed rectangular image with a line art of a government building and the text "City Coucil Meeting Tonight, 6pm at City hall"
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2h4s8 PWA https://5il.co/2h4sf CIA https://5il.co/2h4sh CEDA https://5il.co/2h4si
5 months ago, City of Catoosa
The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be working with the school contractors to tie-in to the water line for the new school, Wednesday, March 27th at 8:30 a.m. The targeted area is expected to affect all residents and businesses that are located off Elm Street and Elwood Street. There will be water outages! Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared. Please share with any neighbors and friends that do not have social media.
5 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
Water Outage Notification-3/27/24
Today is the official first day of Spring! We are looking forward to longer days and shorter nights, warmer weather, and springtime events. What are you looking forward to, Catoosa?
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
A blue bordered rectangular graphic featuring three pink tulips in the center and text that reads "Welcome Spring!"
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! We hope everyone has a safe and fun day. (Don't forget to wear your green!)
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
A green bordered rectangular image with a white background, featuring a leprechaun's green top hat with a buckle, and sparkles.
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2gaxo PWA https://5il.co/2gax2 CIA https://5il.co/2gax4 CEDA https://5il.co/2gax5
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
There is a CITY OF TULSA water leak at the corner of Round Mountain Road and Redbud Drive. For more information please call the City of Tulsa at 918-596-9488. Thank you, Catoosa Public Works Authority.
6 months ago, Catoosa Utility Department
City of Tulsa water leak-Round Mountain Road & Redbud Drive
Special City Council Meeting Agenda March 5, 2024 https://5il.co/2fzj0
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
***** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT***** The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be doing an emergency water leak repair to a fire hydrant Tuesday, March 5th beginning at 9:00 a.m. There will be water outages! The targeted area is expected to affect the area East of Hwy 66, North of Pine, Antry, Antry Drive, and South of Oak View Apartments area. Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared. Thank you!
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
The City of Catoosa Public Works Department will be doing an emergency water leak repair to a fire hydrant Tuesday, March 5th beginning at 9:00 a.m. There will be water outages!  The targeted area is expected to affect the area East of Hwy 66, North of Pine, Antry, Antry Drive, and South of Oak View Apartments area.  Customers can also expect low water pressure so please be prepared.
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2fd1b PWA https://5il.co/2fd1d CIA https://5il.co/2fd1e CEDA https://5il.co/2fd1f
6 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Council Meeting, Monday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2ejqn PWA https://5il.co/2ejqp CIA https://5il.co/2ejqr CEDA https://5il.co/2ejqs
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Council Special Meetings, Thursday, 6 p.m. Please click on links below from our new website to view the agendas. City Council https://5il.co/2d5xw PWA https://5il.co/2d5yp CIA https://5il.co/2d5yz CEDA https://5il.co/2d5z2
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Don't forget to swing by the American Legion Post 1800 tomorrow for their Chili Lunch, Wednesday, January 24th between 11:00am and 2:00pm.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Council, Public Works Authority, Catoosa Industrial Authority, and Catoosa Economic Development Authority Meeting Cancellation Notices for 1-22-2024 and Notifications of Special Meeting Notices 1-25-2024.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
CITY Special Notice -1-25-24
Special Notice -1-25-24
Special Notice -1-25-24
Special Notice -1-25-24
Catoosa City Hall will remain closed, Monday, January 22, 2024, due to inclement weather. The City Council meeting for tonight has been cancelled.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
City Hall Closure Update
Catoosa City Hall will delay opening Monday, January 22, 2024, until 11:00 a.m. due to inclement weather.
7 months ago, City of Catoosa
Inclement Weather Notice 1-22-2014
Catoosa Fire Department training for cold water rescue out at the Blue Whale. Please remember to stay off frozen bodies of water such as ponds, streams, lakes and rivers.
8 months ago, Catoosa Fire Department
fireman training in frozen pond
firemen training next to frozen pond
Ponds and other bodies of water. What may appear to be frozen over lakes or ponds can be inviting spots for ice skaters and children who would like to explore during Oklahoma's winter months. Even in bitter cold temperatures, ice conditions on bodies of water in Oklahoma are extremely dangerous. The only guaranteed safe skating ice is at a skating rink. Ice found on natural bodies of water raises the risk of danger due to natural variables. There is no way to judge the strength and safety of ice by looking at it or by the temperature of the day. Fluctuating temperatures, exposure to sunlight and other factors affect the consistency of the ice. It can be a inch thick in one spot and only an ½ inch 10 feet away. Be especially wary of ice covered with snow. Snow can hide cracks and weaknesses in open ice. Parents should educate their children about the dangers of going out onto a frozen body of water, including never following a friend or a pet into these potential danger zones.
8 months ago, City of Catoosa